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International Office

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Important dates

Wintersemester 2024/25





Further Informationen


09 a.m

Start of application period for semester exchange Erasmus and Global in 25/26 oder SS26

MoveOn Application portal

Informationen on the application proces

Start of application period for PROMOS partial scholarship (for stays starting between january and june 2025)MoveOn Application portalInformation on PROMOS partial scholarship

12 a.m.
Study exchange für Media Students
Zapf Buidling (Nürnberger Str. 38), House 4, Room 4.4.16-19

07 a.m.

Start of registration period for DAAD test at the UBT language center UBT

cmlifeInformation on the DAAD test and possible exemptions can be found on the website of the Language Centre.

1:30 p.m.

Exchange for P&E students

29.10.11 a.m. - 1 p.m.

International Day

Foyer MensaInformation event on stays abroad

Information session: Funding documents for Erasmus study visits in SS25


End of registration period for DAAD test at the UBT language center UBT


DAAD test at UBT language center

see cmlifeInformation on the DAAD test and possible exemptions can be found on the website of the Language Centre.
01.12.11:59 p.m.

End of application period for semester exchange Erasmus and Global in 25/26 oder SS26

MoveOn Application portalInformationen on the application process

End of application period for PROMOS partial scholarship (for stays starting between january and june 2025)MoveOn Application portalInformation on PROMOS partial scholarship
Feedback on Global and PROMOS applicationsMoveOn Application portal / E-Mail
24.12.- 06.01.

Christmas Break at UBT

Feedback on Erasmus applications

Sommersemester 2025

DateTimeTitelPlaceFurther Informationen
01.05.09 a.m.

Start of application period for PROMOS partial scholarship (for stays starting between july and december 2025)

MoveOn Application portalInformation on PROMOS partial scholarship
04.06.11 a.m. - 1 p.m.International DayFoyer Mensa
01.06.11:59 p.m.End of application period for PROMOS partial scholarship (for stays starting between july and december 2025)MoveOn Application portalInformation on PROMOS partial scholarship
15.06.09 a.m.

Start of application period for remaining spots for an semester exchange Erasmus and Global in SS26

MoveOn Application portal

Informationen on the application proces

15.07.11:59 p.m.End of application period for remaining spots for an semester exchange Erasmus and Global in SS26MoveOn Application portalInformationen on the application proces

The mobility department of the International Office plans the following recurring events for you every year:

  • International Day - information fair for students interested in studying abroad with the participation of the university centres and student initiatives
    • Winter semester: October/November
    • Summer semester: June
  • ERASMUS Day - information day on Erasmus stays in the week of Europe Day (09 May)


Recording information events & presentationsHide

Introductory session for freshmen - Study abroad during your studies (german)

Study abroad during the study period (german)

Introductory session for freshmen - Study abroad during your studies (german)

Study abroad during the study period (german)

Study Abroad for Students of Business and Economics (german)

Application processes for stays in 2022/23 (german)

Information events for P&E students

Study abroad 2023/24

Webmaster: Sabine Anders

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