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International and Multilateral Project at the University of Bayreuth 

The International Office is involved in numerous projects in the context of the University's international partnerships and activities as well as on its own initiative. Participation in these various international and multilateral projects is a central component of the University of Bayreuth's internationalization strategy. They foster international cooperation and contribute to the lively exchange of research with various institutions abroad.

The University of Bayreuth acts as project management agency for various projects.

The various collaborations can be seen in this overview.

Academic Mobility for African Sustainable Development (AMAS)Hide

The AMAS programme, which the University of Bayreuth supports as a technical partner, supports cooperation between African universities.

More information can be found on the Opportunities for Africans website. 

Bavaria - Queensland Research Alliance Grant ProgramHide

The world is facing complex and severe challenges, such as (1) climate change (2) an accelerated and spiralling accumulation of waste (3) fractured geopolitical landscapes (4) societal polarisation and pluralism emphasized by multiple forms of migration (5) stressed health systems due to unequally growing or shrinking (aging) populations (6) disparate developments of global regions and (7) the all-encompassing need for comprehensive digitalization.

To tackle these challenges, Bavaria and Queensland build their collaboration on shared universal values by combining and integrating their complementary strengths. These include (1) advanced technologies (2) a wealth of resources (3) strong knowledge-based societies/communities (4) high levels of digitalization, and (5) extensive potential for innovation.

Thus, the Bavarian State Government and the Queensland State Government recognize that a strong research and development capability is a critical driver for innovation, economic growth, and job creation in both States. In addition, international partnerships are important for maintaining the relevance and impact of successful and cutting-edge collaborative research.

The Queensland-Bavaria Collaborative Research Grant Program is a joint initiative under the Declaration of Intent between the Department of Environment, Science, and Innovation (DESI) and the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts (BStMWK).

Further information can be found in the current call for applications.

Application templates:

  • Letter of support (institutional)
  • Letter of intent (industry/external partner)
  • Budget Plan

Click here for Application Portal for Seed und Development Grants.

​Bayreuth-Melbourne Colloid/Polymer NetworkHide

Within the context of the DAAD call for proposals "Strategic Partnerships and Thematic Networks", the University of Bayreuth, together with other partner institutions, succeeded in acquiring more than € 1.1 million for the establishment of the Bayreuth—Melbourne Colloid/Polymer Network. The project, which runs from 2015 to 2020, was funded by the DAAD with a further €50,000 for 2021.

Within the network, joint research papers have already been published, joint projects have been established, and several joint doctoral projects were realized. You can find out more about this on the Centre's website.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree – European Interdisciplinary Master African Studies (EIMAS)Hide

As a transnational programme of excellence, the European Interdisciplinary Master African Studies was developed between the University of Porto, Bordeaux Montaigne University, and the University of Bayreuth. This joint degree showcases Africa as a 'global player' and offers an integrated approach that makes it possible to overcome the boundaries of conventional Area Studies and also Global Studies.

Further information can be found on the EIMAS website

ERASMUS+: Higher Education – International Capacity BuildingHide

„Developing Curricula for biodiversity monitoring and conservation in Tanzania“

The aim of this EU-funded project is to establish degree programmes at universities in Tanzania that promote the conservation of biodiversity in the country.  The project is coordinated by the Chair of Plant Systematics at the University of Bayreuth. For more information, please see the press release dated 24.08.2020.

ERASMUS+ KA107 Mobility with Partner Countries Hide

In 2020, the University of Bayreuth succeeded in obtaining DAAD funding for cooperation with the Ukrainian Catholic University in Lviv. This will enable a bilateral student and teaching exchange in the Philosophy & Economics. The first students from Ukraine are schedule to come to Bayreuth in Summer Semester of 2021. Prof. Fink is the contact person for this project. 

ERASMUS+ KA203 – Reference Module Design for Explorative Business Process ManagementHide

This DAAD-funded project was launched in cooperation with the University of Liechtenstein and the Vienna University of Economics and Business. The working group aims to develop a lecture module for university studies on the topic of "Explorative Business Process Management". Further information can be found on the BPM website

ERASMUS+ KA203 – Improving Tools for E-Assessment in Maths and ScienceHide

This project is based at the research group for Mathematics and its Didactics and aims to further develop online tools with assessment tasks for the STEM subjects.  Further information can be found on the ITEMS website.

ERASMUS + Projekt: Developing an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree on Resource Management and DevelopmentHide

The Chair of Economic and Social History, Prof. Dr. Jan-Otmar Hesse, is involved in a project that will result in an Erasmus Mundus Joint master's programme. This programme is led by the Norwegian University of Science and Technology NTNU in Trondheim and will develop a master's degree with a focus on Sustainable Natural Resource Management and Long-Term Economic Development. 

Erasmus without Paper (pilot project)Hide

The Erasmus without Paper project will play a key role in European mobility in the future. The European Commission has announced that all higher education institutions participating in the Erasmus+ programme will have to use the Erasmus Without Paper network in the future.

The University of Bayreuth joined the EWP network as a pilot partner and already started using online documents to manage Erasmus student mobility in 2019.

More information on EWP can be found on the project website

Research projects of the Campus Academy for Continuing EducationHide

The Campus Academy of the University of Bayreuth participates in many projects on continuing education research. Information on these projects can be found on the Campus Academy website.

​MOOCs - Massive Open Online Courses Hide

MOOCs have been offered the University of Bayreuth since 2019. These are elaborately designed and produced in cooperation with experts, and lecturers and can be accessed worldwide free of charge. In addition to an already available course in Sport Management, further courses are in preparation.

Detailed information can be found on the website of the MOOCs at the University of Bayreuth. 

​Philosophy & Economics Bayreuth – Prague Double Degree Hide

The P&E programme established in Bayreuth was expanded in 2021 to include a double degree programme with Charles University in Prague. Both bachelor's and master's students have the opportunity to obtain two degrees in six or four semesters (respectively) by participating in an elaborated curriculum - which is taught at both universities.

For more information, please visit the website of the Philosophy & Economics programmes for the bachelor's and master's students. 

​Sport Management Bayreuth – Ohio Double DegreeHide

In international cooperation, the double degree programme Sport Management was established together with Ohio University. In this bachelor's programme, students have the opportunity to obtain degrees from the University of Bayreuth and Ohio University in only four years.

Further information can be found in this flyer. ​

University teachers` certification centres: innovative approach to promotion teaching excellence (UTTERLY)Hide

The project was selected as one of 164 projects (out of 1,005 submissions) for funding with a volume of approximately €800,000, and get underway in 2021 with a funding period of two years. The University of Bayreuth acts as a partner in the consortium with several participants, led by the National Ivan Franco University of Lviv. More information on this project can be found here

Welcome and Alumni Services for international students, lecturers and researchersHide

The Office of Welcome and Alumni Services at the University of Bayreuth advises and supports all international students as well as all international researchers and their families before, during, and after their stay at the University of Bayreuth. The aim is to ensure a quick, smooth, and thus successful start at the University of Bayreuth, a pleasant stay, and a long relationship with the University of Bayreuth.

The office is co-funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts to the tune of over €300,000 in the 2019-21 term.

Information on services can be found on the Welcome Services website

Welcome / Integra / PROFIHide

In recent years, the DAAD has launched several programmes to support refugees who are eligible to study in Germany.

At the University of Bayreuth, this work is carried out by the Service Centre for Refugees & Integration.


The programme Welcome - Students helping refugees  particularly focuses on utilizing student assistants within the framework of self-organized and university-organized initiatives to support and integrate refugees who are eligible to study.


The Integra programme enables refugees who are able to study to optimally prepare for German universities, higher education institutions, and preparatory courses by offering language courses and subject-specific preparatory courses.


The goal of the Profi programme is to increase the chances for refugees who hold a degree to take up employment in Germany that is appropriate to their educational background.

Further information on the implementation of the project at the University of Bayreuth can be found here.

Collaborative Workflows in Distributed Game DevelopmentHide


International project. Partners and academic supervisors: Prof. Dr. Jochen Koubek, Department of Media studies. University of Bayreuth, Germany and Oleksiy Yevsyeyev Associate Professor, PhD Department of Computer Systems and Technologies S. Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine

Grant provided by the BAYHOST - Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe

BAYHOST registered project number - MobFA2023/4

Methods for distributed development of computer gamesHide


International project. Partners and academic supervisors: Prof. Dr. Jochen Koubek, Department of Media studies. University of Bayreuth, Germany and  Oleksiy Yevsyeyev  Associate Professor, PhD Department of Computer Systems and Technologies S. Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine

Grant provided by the BAYHOST - Bavarian Academic Center for Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe

BAYHOST registered project number - MB-2022-1-14

Webmaster: Sabine Anders

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