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Stays abroad for students enrolled in teacher education programmes

For student teachers, the motivation for a stay abroad is often to gain teaching experience abroad. In addition to our study exchange programmes, there are also other opportunities to gain practical experience abroad during or after your studies.

Exchange Semester at a partner University of the University of Bayreuth

Stay Abroad within Erasmus or Global programHide

Within the context of the contractual cooperation of the University of Bayreuth with partner universities, students enrolled in teacher education programmes can spend several semesters of their studies abroad.

The subjects that can be taken range from general education to languages and courses in the students' special fields.

Students can find the possible universities for exchange in our partner overview.

We have summarized all information about the application process here.

If you are interested or have any questions about the programme, please feel free to contact us at any time.

External programmes that are not supervised at the University of Bayreuth

Programmes of the Pedagogical Exchange Service (PAD)

The PAD is a public institution founded in 1952 and part of the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the Länder in the Federal Republic of Germany (KMK). It operates across all federal states and deals with all international exchanges in the school sector. As the former "central contact point for pupil and teacher exchanges", the PAD now runs its own exchange programmes in the school sector and for students, and places some of the participants itself. Five programmes are of particular interest to students from Germany:

Foreign Language Assistant (FSA)Hide

You can find more information about the FSA programme on the PAD homepage


The Franco-German Voluntary Service in SchoolsHide

The Franco-German Voluntary Service is a bilateral exchange that has been taking place since 2012/2013 and sends young people between the ages of 18 and 25 to France and Germany respectively.

The programme is organized by the Franco-German Youth Office (DFJW) in cooperation with the Agence du Service Civique, the PAD and participating German Länder.

The aim is to promote mobility between young people from Germany and France and the associated intercultural exchange between the neighbouring countries. The importance of young people's social engagement takes centre stage.

The activities can vary greatly depending on the focus of the school and the skills and interests of the volunteers. In addition, there are accompanying seminars that train volunteers in French linguistic and social issues.

First impressions and testimonials from former volunteers can be found here.

How long does a stay last?

The German volunteers each spend ten months at a French school and work there for 35 hours per week. The main tasks are to accompany the lessons, but also many extracurricular activities.


Participation requirements are permanent residence in Germany (for at least two years) and basic knowledge of French at least at level A2.

Applications are always possible from the beginning of the year until spring for the following school year.

Further information on the selection process and programme can be found here.

Volunteering kulturweitHide

The kulturweit volunteer service is a cooperation between the Federal Foreign Office and the German Commission for UNESCO to promote social commitment, cosmopolitanism and intercultural competence among young people. The PAD and the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA) act as partners of kulturweit and place volunteers with corresponding partners abroad. These are mainly German schools abroad with a focus on Eastern and Central Europe, but there are also volunteer placements in Latin America, Asia, and Africa.

The volunteer programme is geared towards young people between the ages of 18 and 26 who are interested in cultural and educational policy and would like to get involved in this for between six and twelve months. The areas of responsibility are varied and depend on the interests and previous experience of the participants. These include, for example, accompanying lessons at the partner school, helping with homework, or organizing cultural activities.


Applications are accepted twice a year and one year in advance via the kulturweit application portal. The deadlines for this are April for a departure from March of the following year and December for a departure from September of the following year.

Detailed information on the programme and the application process can also be found on the website and in the information video.


PASCH (Schools: Partners for the Future) is an initiative of the Federal Foreign Office founded in 2008 to promote German language and culture abroad with a focus on school cooperation. The programme comprises a network of over 2,000 partner schools that have a "special connection to Germany". These partner schools are located primarily in Asia, the Near and Middle East, and Eastern and Central Europe. The project aims to strengthen the teaching of German as a foreign language in foreign schools and to encourage an authentic exchange between students and teachers.

The PASCH initiative is closely linked with Goethe-Instituts abroad, with the PAD, with the Central Agency for Schools Abroad (ZfA) and with the DAAD. For students there are, for example, internship opportunities at a Goethe-Institut with a PASCH project or through a kulturweit volunteer programme. Further information on the PASCH programme can be found here.


A first point of contact for those interested in the PAD is Katja Röhl: katja.roehl@kmk.org / +49 228501-327.

Klaus Kinkel ScholarshipHide

Students of STEM subjects can observe at schools in Poland, Romania, and Hungary as part of the Klaus Kinkel Scholarship. The lessons at the so-called DSD schools take place in German.


The application phase starts in October each year.

All information about the programme is available here.

SCHOOLWARDS! Programme of the Goethe-Institut

SCHOOLWARDS! Programme of the Goethe-InstitutHide

Within the scope of the SCHULWÄRTS! programme, the Goethe-Institut arranges internships for student teachers and (prospective) teachers before and after their traineeship. The duration of the internship at a school supervised by the Goethe-Institut in over 40 countries worldwide is between 2 and 4 months.

Financial support

  • €1000 for internship preparation
  • €125 per internship week

Applications can be submitted to the Goethe-Institut by several deadlines throughout the year. Further information on the programme can be found on the website.

DAAD programmes

DAAD Language Assistantships at Universities AbroadHide

The DAAD enables graduates of the humanities and social sciences to gain important experience by teaching German as a foreign language or German studies at a university abroad.

The tasks include the organization of practical language events and German courses under the guidance of university instructors.

How long does a stay last?

One academic year - maximum 12 months.

In addition to a preparatory seminar lasting several days, DAAD services also include:

  • Subsidy for on-site language courses
  • Monthly scholarship rate depending on the destination country
  • Travel allowance depending on the destination country
  • Health, accident and private liability insurance

Further information on the programme can be found on the DAAD website.

Lehramt.International for students and graduates

In the Lehramt.International programme, the DAAD supports student teachers who are either still enrolled or who are already between graduation and teacher training.

What is funded?

Self-organized internships at schools abroad lasting one to six months for students and three to 12 months for graduates.

Financial support

Depending on the destination country, the following support is paid out

  • monthly scholarship instalment
  • Travel allowance
  • Health, accident, and private liability insurance

Applications can be submitted to the DAAD by several deadlines throughout the year. Further information on the programme can be found on the website.

Webmaster: Sabine Anders

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