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International Office

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Internship abroad

"The expert in anything was once a beginner!" - Helen Hayes

An internship abroad links studying and working in an international environment and provides insight into various fields of activity.

The International Office offers you the opportunity to apply for financial support for your internship in Europe and beyond.

General notes

  • The International Office does not arrange internships. We only provide a collection of internship advertisements.
  • An internship contract, which some companies and institutions require, can only be concluded between the internship provider and the intern. The University of Bayreuth cannot be included here.
  • If you are looking for an internship, you can benefit from the experiences of former interns abroad. You can find the testimonials in the eLearning course "Internship / Short Stays Abroad – Personal Reports".

Search databases for internship offers

Information on insurance coverage

  •   They must themselves ensure that they have sufficient insurance coverage during their stay
  • The insurance coverage must include at least health insurance, liability insurance and accident insurance
  •   Neither the University of Bayreuth nor the DAAD can be held liable for damages resulting from illness, accident, injury or from loss of or damage to property in connection with the funded projects.


  • Your national health insurance may be insufficient, especially if repatriation or special medical procedures are needed or in case of international mobility. For such cases, supplementary private health insurance may be necessary.
  • Liability and accident insurance cover damage that you cause or suffer during your stay abroad. Different regulations apply to these insurance policies in different countries. You therefore run the risk of not being covered by the standard conditions if, for example, you are not considered an employee or are not formally enrolled at the host institution.
  • In addition to the above-mentioned insurance policies, insurance against loss or theft of documents, tickets and luggage is recommended.

It is possible to purchase combined health, accident and personal liability insurance through the DAAD. You will find more information here.

Webmaster: Sabine Anders

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