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Research Alumni

BIAC as a central point of contact for its international research alumni

The Bayreuth International Alumni Centre (BIAC) is initiated from the ideas competition “Research
Alumni of Universities in Germany” by Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. We organizes events for
alumni and offers comprehensive services as well as opportunities to become actively involved in
building the network.

The network is meant for:

  • Scholars,

who have studied or carried out research at the University of Bayreuth and now hold a research position in a country other than Germany

  • International guest visiting scholars,

who are conducting research at the University of Bayreuth and wish to maintain their
connection to the university after their stay

Our offerings include:

  • Subscription to the free E-newsletter
  • Invitations to international alumni meetings in various countries
  • Continuing education seminars on subjects relevant to research
  • Local network through regional alumni associations
  • Cultivation of global contacts through a worldwide alumni network through social media

Alumni can make valuable contributions to the development of the network and support international connections between the University of Bayreuth and their home institutions by:

  • promoting Bayreuth as a location for research in regional alumni associations
  • making themselves available as contacts for future research collaboration with the University of Bayreuth
  • helping recruit outstanding scholars for a research stay at the University of Bayreuth joining an “international advisory board of researchers” which advises university
  • administrations on international research cooperation, international marketing, recruitment, and the development of internationally-oriented course offerings.

Would you like to join the family of Bayreuth International Alumni? 
You can find the application form here.  Membership is free of charge.


Webmaster: Sabine Anders

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