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Lecturer and staff mobility

The International Office advises scholars on opportunities to complete teaching and training stays at European partner universities. The Erasmus+ programme provides financial support for guest lectureships as well as continuing education and training within Europe for University of Bayreuth’s staff from all areas.

EPALE - E Platform for Adult Education in Europe provides a multilingual, open community for adult education professionals, including teachers, support staff, researchers, and scholars.
Funded by Erasmus+, the platform helps to improve and expand learning opportunities for adults, to facilitate contacts between European colleagues, and to develop networks.

Lecturer mobility - Erasmus STAHide

The programme "Dozierendenmobilität (STA)" enables scholars to give guest lecture at one of the Erasmus partner universities of the University of Bayreuth. Guest lecturers should strengthen the European dimension of the host university through their stay, complement its range of courses, and impart their specialist knowledge in the spirit of internationalization on campus to students who will not or cannot study abroad. Courses can take the form of seminars, lectures, tutorials etc.

Where possible, the development of joint study programmes at partner universities should play, a role as should the exchange of teaching content and methods.        

You can find detailed information about lecturer mobility in the Erasmus+ video and in the Erasmus+ flyer.

Who is eligible for funding?

  • Professors and instructors in a contractual relationship with the university (including third-party funded positions)
  • Instructors who are not paid
  • Adjunct teaching staff
  • Professors emiriti, retired instructors
  • Research associates/doctoral researchers who are active in teaching

Please note: The applicant's citizenship does not play a role, as long as he or she is employed by the University of Bayreuth. Stays in countries in which the sponsored person has his or her main residence cannot be financed.

Staff from foreign companies and organisations may be invited to the University of Bayreuth for teaching purposes. If you would like to invite colleagues from partner universities to Bayreuth, they must apply for ERASMUS+ funding at their home university.

What are the basic conditions?

  • Duration: Duration: 2 - 60 days (not including travel time)*
  • Lesson workload: At least eight hours per week
  • If teaching activities are combined with continuing education and training activities, the teaching load is reduced to four hours per week.
  • Repeated funding is generaly possible in staff mobility.
  • Requirements: possession of a valid ERASMUS Charter for Higher Education (ECHE), a valid ERASMUS+ higher education agreement for teaching staff mobility. Information on existing agreements can be obtained from the ERASMUS coordinators in the International Office.
  • Receiving EU funding from multiple sources is not permitted.

A combination of teaching and research activities is possible if the minimum teaching load is completed.

*As a rule, stays are funded for a maximum period of 1-2 weeks.

What benefits can be obtained through an Erasmus+ funding?

Financial grants depend on the duration of the mobility, host country and the availability of funds. The country-specific flat rates are based on the varying costs of living in the host countries. The amount of the travel grant depends on the distance to the host country.

ST host country travel costs as distance allowances

10 - 99 km

€ 20

100 - 499 km

€ 180

500 - 1,999 km

€ 275

2,000 - 2,999 km

 € 360

3,000 - 3,999 km

€ 530

4,000 - 7,999 km

€ 820

8,000 km or more

€ 1,500

ST host country subsistence costs as subsistence allowances

Host country

Daily allowance flat rate
(max. 14 days)


€ 180


€ 160


€ 140

The subsidy rates are lump sums paid before the start of the mobility. It is not possible to subsequently settle the actual travel costs incurred via the Erasmus+ cost centre.

Please note that an Erasmus+ mobility grant does not come with any insurance coverage. Neither the EU Commission nor DAAD NA shall be liable for any damage resulting from illness, death, accident, injury to persons, loss of or damage to property in connection with Erasmus+ stays abroad.
During their stay abroad, Privatdozenten, adjunct lecturers, and doctoral candidates are not covered by liability or health insurance through their faculty or university. Please ensure that you have adequate insurance coverage during your stay abroad.

How do I apply for an Erasmus grant?

Applications must be submitted to the International Office. The application forms must be submitted to Sabine Paez (ZUV Room 1.81.) in full at least one month before departure.

Application documents

Green Travel

Participants in the Erasmus+ Programme should be made aware of the issues of sustainability, climate change and environmental protection, and in particular of the ecological footprint that participants create through their mobility. By financially supporting the use of sustainable means of transport, the number of mobilities with more environmentally friendly means of transport shall be increased and the ecological footprint of the Erasmus+ Programme shall be reduced.

Staff members may receive higher travel grants as well as additional travel days for their eligible environmentally friendly trip. Grants depend on travel distance:


travel grant:

Green travel grant:

10 und 99 KM

23 EUR


100 und 499 KM

180 EUR

210 EUR

500 und 1999 KM

275 EUR

320 EUR

2000 und 2999 KM

360 EUR

410 EUR

3000 und 3999 KM

530 EUR

610 EUR

4000 und 7999 KM

820 EUR


8000 KM or more

1500 EUR


Participants who need longer time to travel due to the use of sustainable transport can receive up to 4 additional days under the individual support.

What needs to be done after the mobility period?

At the end of your Erasmus+ mobility, you are required to return the document Letter of confirmation STA Training (EN) to Sabine Paez of the International Office.
Please note that the document must not be signed until the last day of your mobility period, thus confirming the entire duration of your stay.

You also have to electronically submit an EU Survey of the Erasmus+ Programme. An invitation to complete the survey will be sent automatically to the e-mail address you provided.

Please note that after your stay abroad, no evidence of travel expenses needs to be submitted to the International Office, as the grants paid in advance are lump sums.

If you would like to learn more about the programme, please contact Sabine Paez in the International Office.

Further information and advice on the Erasmus+ mobility measures is available from the

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
National Agency for EU Higher Education Cooperation

Phone: +49 (0) 800 2014020
Fax: +49 (0) 228 882 555

Kennedyallee 50
53115 Bonn


Staff Mobility (STT) / Mobility for the purposes of continuing education and training (STT)Hide

The programme to support mobility for continuing education and training purposes promotes the professional development of university lecturers and other university staff through continuing education measures abroad (except for research projects with direct research relevance and conferences) and through job shadowing at a partner university or at corresponding institutions abroad.

Current training opportunities and Staff Weeks within Europe can be viewed on the IMOTIONS website and the new career management portal Europass.

Detailed information on mobility for training purposes can be found in the Erasmus+ video on staff mobility and in the Erasmus+ flyer.

Who is eligible for funding?

University staff and trainees from all areas (e.g. general and technical administration, libraries, departments, finance, international offices, public relations, student advising, technology transfer, continuing education)

Please note: The applicant's citizenship does not play a role, as long as he or she is employed by the University of Bayreuth. Stays in countries in which the sponsored person has his or her main residence cannot be financed. You can only be awarded funding once in a given academic year.

What are the basic conditions?

It must be one of the following: training visits at universities, educational institutions, or companies in other European countries (all EU member states, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Turkey). This can be either a visit of an individual to a partner university (with an individual work plan) or participation in group training events at partner universities (e.g. International Staff Week). The IMOTION Plattform provides an insight on upcoming staff training activities.

  • Duration: Duration: 2 - 60 days (not including travel time)*
  • Objective of the programme: Insight into the same or similar fields of work at universities and companies in other European countries, acquisition of intercultural and subject-specific skills, improvement of foreign language skills.

*As a rule, stays are funded for a maximum period of 1-2 weeks.

Requirements for funding:

  • being in contact with the host institution and organizing your stay in coordination with the International Office;
  • agreeing to a work or training plan with the host institution in consultation with the International Office;
  • the endorsement of the ERASMUS+ stay by the superior in coordination with the International Office.

Funding is not awarded for participation in scientific conferences.

For stays at universities, an ERASMUS+ cooperation agreement between the universities (unlike the mobility programme for teaching purposes) is not absolutely necessary. You are not limited in choosing a host institution. However, it is often easier to contact partner universities.

What benefits can be obtained through an Erasmus+ funding?

Financial grants depend on the duration of the mobility, the host country and availability of funding. The country-specific flat rates are based on the varying costs of living in the host countries. The amount of the travel grant depends on the distance to the host country.

ST host country travel costs as distance allowances

10 - 99 km

€ 20

100 - 499 km

€ 180

500 - 1,999 km

€ 275

2,000 - 2,999 km

 € 360

3,000 - 3,999 km

€ 530

4,000 - 7,999 km

€ 820

8,000 km or more

€ 1,500

ST host country subsistence costs as subsistence allowances

Host country

Daily allowance flat rate
(max. 14 days)


€ 180


€ 160


€ 140

The subsidy rates are lump sums paid before the start of the mobility. It is not possible to subsequently settle the actual travel costs incurred via the Erasmus+ cost centre.

Please note that an Erasmus+ mobility grant does not come with any insurance coverage. Neither the EU Commission nor DAAD NA shall be liable for any damage resulting from illness, death, accident, injury to persons, loss of or damage to property in connection with Erasmus+ stays abroad.
During their stay abroad staff members are not covered by liability or health insurance through their faculty or university. Please ensure that you have adequate insurance coverage during your stay abroad. We recommend that you take out travel insurance.

How do I apply for an Erasmus grant?

Applications must be submitted to the International Office. The application forms must be submitted to Sabine Paez (ZUV Room 1.81.) in full at least one month before departure.

Application documents

Green Travel

Participants in the Erasmus+ Programme should be made aware of the issues of sustainability, climate change and environmental protection, and in particular of the ecological footprint that participants create through their mobility. By financially supporting the use of sustainable means of transport, the number of mobilities with more environmentally friendly means of transport shall be increased and the ecological footprint of the Erasmus+ Programme shall be reduced.

Staff members may receive higher travel grants as well as additional travel days for their eligible environmentally friendly trip. Grants depend on travel distance:


travel grant:

Green travel grant:

10 und 99 KM

23 EUR


100 und 499 KM

180 EUR

210 EUR

500 und 1999 KM

275 EUR

320 EUR

2000 und 2999 KM

360 EUR

410 EUR

3000 und 3999 KM

530 EUR

610 EUR

4000 und 7999 KM

820 EUR


8000 KM or more

1500 EUR


Participants who need longer time to travel due to the use of sustainable transport can receive up to 4 additional days under the individual support.

What needs to be done after the mobility period?

At the end of your Erasmus+ mobility, you are required to return the document Letter of confirmation STT Training (EN) to Sabine Paez of the International Office.
Please note that the document must not be signed until the last day of your mobility period, thus confirming the entire duration of your stay.

You also have to electronically submit an EU Survey of the Erasmus+ Programme. An invitation to complete the survey will be sent automatically to the e-mail address you provided.

Please note that after your stay abroad, no evidence of travel expenses needs to be submitted to the International Office, as the grants paid in advance are lump sums.

If you would like to learn more about the programme, please contact Sabine Paez in the International Office.

Further information and advice on the Erasmus+ mobility measures is available from the

German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
National Agency for EU Higher Education Cooperation

Phone: +49 (0) 800 2014 020
Fax: +49 (0) 228 882 555

Kennedyallee 50
53115 Bonn


This project was funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein 

General information regarding insuranceHide
  • The participant must have sufficient insurance coverage. We recommend that you obtain supplementary international health insurance and liability insurance that will cover you in the host country. In addition, some partner institutions require specific types of insurance which must always be obtained. This information can be found on the website of the relevant institution.
  • The participant has been informed that national health insurance coverage with a European Health Insurance generally offers basic insurance coverage for a stay in another EU country.  However, please note that the coverage provided by the European Health Insurance Card or private insurance may be insufficient, especially if repatriation or special medical procedures are required. For such cases, supplementary private insurance may be advisable. The participant confirms that he/she has been expressly advised to check the conditions of his/her health insurance before the start of the mobility phase.
  • The participant has been informed that liability insurance covers damages caused by the participant during his or her stay abroad, regardless of whether the participant is at work or not. The participant confirms that he or she has been expressly advised to check the conditions of his or her liability insurance before the start of the mobility phase.
  • The participant has been advised to obtain accident insurance coverage. This insurance covers damage caused to employees by accidents at work.  In many countries, employees are insured for accidents at work. The participant confirms that he or she has been informed that - if the host institution does not offer such protection - he or she is strongly advised to obtain appropriate insurance coverage prior to the start of the mobility phase.
Funding opportunities for doctoral researchers and early-career scholarsHide

Today, science and research are more international than ever. Going abroad at an early stage fosters international cooperation in research and the creation of global networks. Spending time abroad is a key part of your training. It demonstrates that you have an international network and shows that you can think outside the box in research and deal with different academic cultures.

Doctoral students and early-career scholars have access to a wide range of funding opportunities for a stay abroad. The International Office would like to give you some initial tips for when searching for funding.

If you have any questions about one of following programmes, please contact the funding provider directly.

  • The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) offers scholarships to fund one-month to one-year periods spent abroad for advanced study and research as part of a doctorate at a German university. They are open to applicants from all subject areas.
  • Bavaria’s international university centres BAYHOST, BAYLAT, BayCHINA, BayIND, BayFrance and BaCaTeC award country-specific mobility grants and partial scholarships to students and researchers at Bavarian universities with the aim of expanding academic cooperation.
  • The University of Bayreuth Graduate School (UBTGS) provides information on funding for doctoral researchers.
  • The Erasmus+ programmes for lecturers and staff (STA/STT) fund guest lecturers at Erasmus+ partner universities and continuing education courses within Europe.
  • The PROMOS scholarship at the University of Bayreuth does not provide funding for the mobility of doctoral researchers and early-career scholars.

Additional information on the topics of international mobility and international networks in academic careers is available from the German Rectors‘ Conference (HRK Expertise) and Germany’s Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

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