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Global History, Master of Arts (M.A.)


EU citizens


Winter Semester:    1 March – 15 July


CAMPUSonline (a brief application guide is available here)



  • Curriculum Vitae
    you can download and fill out this template
  • Grade conversion using the Bavarian Formula
    this will be available as an Excel sheet on CAMPUSonline
  • Language certificate ENGLISCH level B2
    can be obtained during the first semester of the programme - find out more
  • Language certificate GERMAN level A1
    can be obtained during the first year of the programme - find out more
  • List of modules for which no evidence of performance exists yet
  • Secondary school leaving certificate including subjects and grades
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • Transcript of records BACHELOR (or for comparable degree) including subjects and grades - at least 150 ECTS points with a final grade corresponding to "2,5" or better on the German grading system (an aptitude assessment process will be required if your average grade is lower)
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • Grading Scale BACHELOR with maximum grade and minimum final grade required to be awarded the degree – not for passing individual courses (must be issued by your university)
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • Written presentation of course-specific competences
    motivation letter

You may need to submit additional documents:

Do you already hold a bachelor's degree?Hide

Then please submitt your degree certificate:


  • Degree certificate BACHELOR
    original language + certified translation in German or English
Have you already studied a master's programme?Hide

Then please submit your master's transcript, the relevant grading scale and (if applicable) your master's certificate:


  • Transcript of Records MASTER (or other degree) including subjects and grades
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • Grading Scale MASTER or other degree with maximum grade and minimum final grade required to be awarded the degree – not for passing individual courses (must be issued by your university)
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • If applicable: Degree certificate MASTER
    original language + certified translation in German or English
Documents regarding the academic entry requiementsHide

If applicable, you can submit these additional documents:


  • Admission from the University of Bayreuth for this course of study from a previous semester (and possibly a letter of requirements)
    only to be uploaded by applicants who already got an admission letter from the UBT for the respective master's programme in a previous semester, but did not manage to start their studies
  • Evidence of special qualifications or additional professional qualifications
  • Request for disadvantage compensation
Have you attended a Studienkolleg in Germany?Hide

Then please submit the Studienkolleg certificate (Feststellungsprüfung). We do not consider any interim reports of the Studienkolleg.


  • Studienkolleg certificate
Additional country-specific documentsHide

Depending on the country of your previous educational background, you may need to submit additional documents.

Information regarding the form of submission for application documents

Please submit your documents only as instructed on this site by UPLOAD. Documents submitted unsolicited by post cannot be taken into consideration. Documents will not be returned. 

Do you have questions or need assistance?

A list of contact persons for international applicants can be found here.

Webmaster: Anke Matthes

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