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Additional country-specific documents

Depending on the country of your previous educational background, you may need to submit additional documents:

  • Please upload both your state matura diploma (Diplome e Matures Shteterore) and your Deftese pjekurie certificate via the slot "Secondary school leaving certificate"
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • Proof of higher education entrance examination (Higher Education Entrance Information/Tertiary Entrance Statement)
  • Your school reports including subjects and grades for the last four years of school
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • Your school reports including subjects and grades for the last four years of school
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • Proof of higher education entrance examination (Pruebas de Selección Universitaria/Pruebas de Admisión Transitorias)
    original language + certified translation in German or English

Have you completed school before 2019? In this case, we will also need:

  • Your university entrance exam (gaokao)
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • APS Certificate
  • TestAS Certificate (mandatory if APS is only valid together with TestAS)

Have you completed school in 2019 or later? In this case, we will also need:

  • Your university entrance exam (gaokao)
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • Your national high school graduation examination (huikao)
    Originalsprache + vereidigte Übersetzung in Deutsch oder Englisch
  • APS Certificate
  • TestAS Certificate (mandatory if APS is only valid together with TestAS)

Have you graduated from a DSD school?

  • The DSD coordinator‘s original written attestation confirming your identity
  • Your university entrance exam (gaokao) or a letter of admission to a 211 University
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • The German Language Certificate of the Education Ministers Conference (Deutsche Sprachdiplom der Kultusministerkonferenz, DSD)

Have you obtained a German-Chinese double degree?

If you have not graduated yet:

  • APS Certificate

If you have already graduated:

  • Proof of successful completion of a German degree programme
  • Proof of passing the "English Language Skills Assessment" (ELSA) or proof of passing the "IELTS Academic"
  • If applicable: Proof of successful completion of the "Foundation Programme" of the University of the South Pacific
  • If you graduated from High School before 2019: Proof of Pre-University Course
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • If applicable: Proof of higher education entrance examination
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • Your school leaving certificate including an overview of subjects and grades (X and X+II)
  • Your university diploma including an overview of subjects and grades (if available)
  • a grading system with information on the maximum and minimum required for your university to award your degree (the CGPA or percentage equivalent to "pass class", often detailed in the graduation requirements). The minimum grade for passing a single course is not sufficient.
  • APS certificate, further information can be found on the APS New Delhi website.
  • If applicable, APS recertification
  • If applicable, TestAS Certificate (mandatory, if APS is only valid together with TestAS)

The APS certificate has to be submitted by the application deadline otherwise your application cannot be considered.

  • Please note that we can only accept school leaving certificates with an attestation of authenticity by your school
  • If you would like to apply for a master's programme, please also submit documentation on your programme's accreditation category (A, B or C) if this piece of information is not already included in your transcript or your certificate
  • Proof of higher education entrance examination (University Entrance Examination Center Test/National Center for University Entrance Examinations)
    original language + certified translation in German or English

If you received a secondary school leaving certificate "Zalpy orta bilim turaly attestat" / "Attestat o srednem obscem obrazovanii" in 2015 or afterwards (before 2019), you will need to submit the following document:

  • An educational certificate in the form of a "licnoje delo ucenika" (личное дело ученика) (School history sheet)
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • If applicable: Proof of higher education entrance examination
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • Please note that the following documents will need to be uploaded via the slot "Secondary school leaving certificate" : School Leaving Certificate Examination Certificate + School Leaving Certificate Examination Marks Statement (original language + certified translation in German or English)
  • Please upload your Higher Secondary Certificate + your Academic Transcript (Grade XI und XII) via the slot "Proof of higher education entrance examination".
    original language + certified translation in German or English

Please note that transcripts and higher education diplomas from Pakistan must be attested by the Higher Education Commission ("HEC attestation stamp").

  • Your Swiadectwo Dojrzalosci certificate -> please use the slot "Proof of higher education entrance examination"
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • Please also upload your Swiadectwo Ukonczenia certificate via the slot "Secondary school leaving certificate"
    original language + certified translation in German or English
South KoreaHide
  • Proof of higher education entrance examination (College Scholastic Ability Test)
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • Proof of higher education entrance examination (Evaluación de Bachillerato para el Acceso a la Universidad or Pruebas de Acceso a la Universidad)
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • Proof of higher education entrance examination
    Please submit proof of your university entrance exam (ÖSYS), which must document the study place at a university in Turkey assigned to you. It must include information on the university, faculty and the type of points.
    original language + certified translation in German or English
  • If applicable: Proof of higher education entrance examination (AP Exams)
  • You may submit documentation of your ACT or SAT scores, however Germany’s Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs decided on 7 June 2018, that these tests no longer have any impact on the evaluation.
  • If the Unweighted CGPA is not listed in your official high school transcript, please submit additional documentation including this information, if you would like to apply for an undergraduate programme.
  • APS Certificate
  • If applicable, APS recertification
  • TestAS Certificate (mandatory if APS is only valid together with TestAS)

APS – Certificate of the Academic Evaluation Center

The Academic Evaluation Center (APS) verifies the documents of applicants who wish to apply for studies in Germany with a Chinese, Vietnamese or Indian school or university degree. Here we have compiled the most imporant information on APS requirement.

What is the certificate of the Academic Evaluation Center?Hide

The Academic Evaluation Center (Akademische Prüfstelle, APS) is a service institution of the cultural departments of the German embassies in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). It examines the documents of applicants who wish to apply for studies in Germany with a Chinese, Vietnamese or Indian school or university degree. After successful examination, applicants receive a certificate.

Who needs a certificate from the Academic Evaluation Center?Hide

All applicants, who wish to apply for a degree programme at a German university with a Chinese, Vietnamese or Indian school or university degree. This applies to the application for both bachelor's and master's degree programmes, as well as for the application to the Studienkolleg. Only when applying for a doctoral programme, an APS certificate is not required.

An APS certificate is not necessary for applications for master's programmes if the master's entrance qualification was not acquired in China, Vietnam or India. The master's entrance qualification is a completed, undergraduate degree programme (usually a bachelor's degree). However, an application for a master's programme without a certificate from the Academic Evaluation Office is only possible, if the bachelor's (from outside China, Vietnam, India) has already been completed and the graduation documents are available. If the bachelor's programme has not yet been completed, an APS certificate must be submitted. 

Applicants with documents from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan do not need a certificate from the Academic Evaluation Center.

How do I get a certificate of the Academic Evaluation Center?Hide

The certificate of the Academic Evaluation Centre is issued in China by the Cultural Department of the German Embassy in Beijing and Shanghai. The Academic Evaluation Center in Hanoi is responsible for applicants from Vietnam, the Academic Evaluation Center in New Delhi for those from India.

How to apply for the certificate of the Academic Evaluation Center:

  1. you register online on the APS website in Beijing, Shanghai, Hanoi or New Delhi.
  2. you transfer the processing fee. Information on the amount of the processing fee can be found on the pages of the Academic Evaluation Center responsible for you. 
  3. you submit the printed registration confirmation together with a passport photo and the required documents to the APS by post or in person. 
  4. the APS checks your documents. If you meet the admission requirements for a German university, you will be invited for an interview. 
  5. after a successful interview you will receive 10 APS certificates by post.  

Further information about the procedure and the necessary documents can be found in the APS Beijing leaflet (PDF), the APS Hanoi leaflet (German) or at the APS New Delhi website.

In the following situations additional documents might be necessary:

  • If different grading scales are being used in your country:
    In this case please submit the grading scale of the institution of higher education you attended. It must include information on the minimum grade required for graduation.

  • If your institution of higher education is not listed or listed with the status "H+/-" in the tab "Institutions" in anabin: Proof of accreditation for your institute of higher education and for your programme of study.

  • If you have obtained an International Baccalaureate (IB):
    Applicants with an IB diploma must always submit the transcript for the last two school years to prove that they attended IB subjects throughout.

  • If you have obtained the European Baccalaureate certificate:
    Please submit both pages of your baccalaureate certificate + certificate from the Standing Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs (KMK) including your converted grade (or, if you have graduated from the European School Munich: a certificate from the Zeugnisanerkennungsstelle für den Freistaat Bayern (ZASt)). Graduates of the German sections will receive this together with their certificate; graduates of other sections, will need to file a request to the German Sekundarinspektor by 30 April.

Webmaster: Natascha Turek

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