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Important Erasmus+ documents

Erasmus+ documents for the first instalment:

Grant Agreement & Declaration of Honour for Top-UpsHide

To prepare your grant agreement, please fill out the information required in the online form once you have been requested to do so. You will be asked to provide us with the dates of your planned stay at the host university. You can find this information in the Letter of Acceptance/Letter of Admission from your host university (see 2.). Your planned funding amount will also be calculated on the basis of this data. After the end of your stay, the daily payment amount will be calculated and balanced with the 2nd funding instalment.

The Grant Agreement will be sent to you by e-mail together with the transfer order. Please read the document completely, sign it and upload together with the signed Declaration of Honour for Top-Ups in the online form. Scanned signatures are valid.

Letter of AcceptanceHide

Letter of Acceptance ( Admission Letter / an e-mail confirmation of your acceptance) will be sent to you by your host university by e-mail.

Learning AgreementHide

Please only use the Learning Agreement form in MoveOn.

  • Here you can find the paper template Learning Agreement for studies.
  • Here you can find the information sheet for the preparation of the digital Learning Agreement.


  • In order to be eligible for the Erasmus funding you must complete at least 20 ECTS abroad.
  • The Learning Agreement is only signed by your department. You can find the contact details of the department heads here.
  • The International Office is not allowed to sign the Learning Agreement!
Certificate of Study Progress from the University of BayreuthHide

Certificate of Study progress (Studienverlaufsbescheinigung) downloaded form cmlife.

Not transcript of records or proof of immatriculation!

Declaration of insurance coverages (SMS)Hide

Please note: The insurance coverage must include at least health insurance and (optionally) liability insurance and accident insurance for the entire period of stay.

Important: You will not be insured by the University of Bayreuth during your stay abroad.

  • You can find the template of the declaration of insurance coverage here.
OLS language testHide

The language support tool is provided via the EU Academy website and offers you various options: self-assessment of language skills through language tests as well as participation in language courses in any number of languages.

Currently, the five most common European languages are available: EN, FR, DE, ES, IT. In the future, linguistic support will also be provided in the 24 other official languages of the European Union as well as for Icelandic, Macedonian, Norwegian, Serbian and Turkish.

Important: If the mobility language is not yet implemented in the OLS tool at the beginning, you must take the test in English.

Please upload all documents for the first instalment except for the Grant Agreement using this online form.

Supporting information materials for the first instalment documents:

Erasmus+ documents for the second instalment:

Certificate of Departure / Certificate of AttendanceHide

Starting now Certificate of Departure will be replaced by Certificate of Attendance. Please have it signed not more than 10 days before your departure.

Transcript of RecordsHide

The transcript of records is a certificate of your grades and coursework completed at the partner university.

You will receive the transcript of records from your host university within two months.

Proof that the ECTS points earned abroad have been credited.Hide

The International Office is not responsible for credit transfer. Please contact your subject coordinator. Further information on credit transfer can be found under this link.

A current overview of credits and grades from cmlife, for example, will suffice as proof of credit, if it shows that the courses have been credited.

If applicable, confirmation of the language courses taken at the partner university before or after the Erasmus stay.Hide

If you have taken part in a language course at the host university before the start of the semester, the time will be credited to your overall mobility.

Please obtain a certificate of attendance or similar.

Personal report for Erasmus+Hide

The personal reports are published via our Publisher under the relevant partner university.

EU Online SurveyHide

An invitation to the EU Survey will be sent to you separately by e-mail via an EU mailing address (es.europa.eu).

Please check your spam folder if you have not received a survey.

Certificate of Study Progress from the University of BayreuthHide

Certificate of Study progress downloaded form cmlife.

Learning AgreementHide

Current Learning Agreement with 'before the mobility' and 'during the mobility' parts. This is independent of whether changes have actually been made to the Learning Agreement.

Please upload all documents for the second instalment using this online form.

Supplementary documents that might be included with the Erasmus+ grant agreement:

Information on the coronavirus:
See COVID-19 and this leaflet for important information about the coronavirus and its impact on the Erasmus+ Programme.

Information on Brexit:
Due to the UK's exit from the EU, funding cannot continue.

Webmaster: Sabine Anders

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